About Us AMIX

About Us


Swedish based company established to fill the gap between technology and the everyday user. With our high quality team of experts we can help you bring your ideas to life. No matter how big or small our team is ready to make your dream come true.


Year we were founded


Active clients


Members in our remote team


Countries using our services

Our approach

Hybrid oriented

We introduce a new hybrid approach. Action-oriented approach aren’t true goals, since goals should be about making a difference, not just doing stuff. We find plenty of both action-oriented and result-oriented goals, often mixed together, in strategic and operational plans in all sectors and industries. And we find that many people don’t even realise there is a difference.

In focus

What's our secret? Great people.

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Our values

At the heart of our identity


We are always ready to manage complexity, but there are simple solutions to complex problems, and it is our job to find them.


Cost-conscious with high quality is not a contradiction with us, cost alone will not drive our decisions to provide sustainable solutions.


Sincerity and integrity are our key in our relationship with others, that something you can not buy or measure with money.

You are welcome to contact us if you have general questions about our services, markets and areas of expertise.

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